Double Your Medicare Revenue Within 6 Months and Remain Independent and In Control
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As a primary care physician in independent practice, you can increase your revenue without seeing more patients while maintaining your independence and control of the way you practice.
How is this possible? Cisne Health will support you in using Medicare Advantage to your advantage while you remain in the driver’s seat.
- No Additional Cost
You Choose Your Level of Risk-Reward
(ranging from zero risk to a percentage of risk/savings you determine) - You Remain in Control of the Way You Practice
Introducing Cisne Health
Cisne Health is a Value-Based Care Management Company offering primary care physicians the tools for optimizing their Medicare revenue at no cost and total physician choice of the level of financial risk and reward (including no risk). We support primary care physicians through:
- Negotiating better payment for your Medicare patient population
- Coding and billing management for your Medicare Advantage patients
- Care coordination and related documentation support
- Marketing your Medicare Advantage plans to your Medicare patients during the annual Medicare open enrollment period